October 20, 2021

Sif Holst’s remarks on the EESC opinion on blended learning

During the Plenary Session of The EESC on the 20th of October 2021 the EESC opinion on the Proposal for a Council recommendation on blended learning for high quality and inclusive primary and secondary education. The proposal is made on the backdrop of the Covid-19 pandemic and the changes this has brought to teaching and learning. Blended learning means taking more than just one approach to the learning process. In this case focusing on blending digital and non-digital learning tools and environments to the learning process.

The EESC-opinion is generally in favor of the proposal, but among other things remarks that the Member States need to assure, that the blended learning tools isn’t detrimental to the education, that blended learning has to be available to all students and emphasizes the role of the teachers in blended learning and their need for education on the subject.

Sif Holst made the following comments during the plenary session on the subject:

“Thank you for an excellent opinion and some very good points Blended learning can create new opportunities for some of the most vulnerable groups in our society – but it also comes with the risk of exclusion. It allows the opportunity to participate and continue learning, for children who might live remotely or for those who cannot attend physically due to illness or a disability. But as pointed out in the opinion, the cost of face-to-face contact is especially difficult for disadvantaged children. And the teachers need to have the knowledge and resources to reduce the risk of exclusion of those most in need. This must be a priority.”

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